Welcome to the University of Waterloo. We're excited to have you on board. As you prepare for the start of your graduate academic career, you will receive communications from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, your Data Science Graduate Program Administrator, and some of our campus partners.
Waterloo Grad Ready is a virtual program and space to support you as you begin your graduate program. It will offer you opportunities to build connections with students, faculty, and staff; resources to help you transition to graduate life; and workshops to support your ongoing graduate experience. Our graduate studies community has come together to support you in this new online environment and will add new information and programming throughout the coming months.
Graduate Orientation
In advance of your first term, stay tuned for an email invitation to your mandatory data science graduate Orientation event that will contain specific details for your session. The Faculty of Mathematics will also hold a mandatory orientation session to provide new math graduate student information.
You can view our most recent recorded presentations below as a reference. Please note that it is mandatory to attend your own orientation scheduled sessions as information and requirements may change for each cohort.
Fall 2023 Presentation
- Virtual Data Science Course Selection Information Session (.pdf)
- Fall 2023 Orientation Presentation (.pdf)