Pre-approved Elective Course List

Pre-approved Elective Course List

The list below provides elective courses, that are not on the Graduate Academic Calendar, but that have been pre-approved by the Program Director to be counted towards elective course requirements.

The following list of pre-approved electives can be utilized by both MMath in DS and MDSAI students. 

For a detailed course list and requirements, please review the Graduate Academic Calendar. The graduate academic calendar provides a list of elective courses that MDSAI students normally take as well as a list of the required core courses all students must complete.

In some cases, students may wish to take an elective course that is not in the Graduate Academic Calendar. Please see below for details on what to do if an elective you wish to take is not listed on the Graduate Academic Calendar.


Course title 


AMATH 740 

Numerical Analysis 

AMATH 840 

Advanced Numerical Methods for Computational and Data Sciences 

CO 652  

Integer Programming 

These CO courses all assume background knowledge at the level of CO 602 or an equivalent course. 

CO 666  

Continuous Optimization 

CO 671  

Semidefinite Optimization 

CS 679  

Neural Networks 

CS 684 

Computational Vision 


Any 800-level STAT course 

STAT 845 is permissible only if you do not/did not take CS 600. 

STAT 940 

Deep Learning 

STAT 974  

Financial Econometrics 

SYDE 770 Communication & Info Systems  

The elective I wish to take is listed on either the Graduate Academic Calendar or on the Pre-approved elective course list

If the elective course you wish to take is listed on the Graduate Academic Calendar OR on the pre-approved elective course list, no further action is required.

Please enroll directly in Quest following the instructions under in our Courses page, under enrolment. This page also provides more information about course requirements, course offerings, and course enrolment. 

The elective I wish to take is NOT listed on the Graduate Academic Calendar or on the pre-approved course list

Please complete this Elective Course Request Form

Your request will be reviewed, and you will be notified if you have been approved to take the course as an elective and count it towards your course requirements 

The elective I wish to take is listed in the MMath in DS academic calendar but not on the MDSAI academic calendar

Any course listed in the MMath in DS academic calendar can be taken by a student in the MDSAI program as an elective course. These courses include:

  • CS 656 Computer Networks
  • CS 657 System Performance Evaluation
  • CS 658 Computer Security and Privacy
  • CS 741 Non-Traditional Databases
  • CS 755 Systems and Network Architectures and Implementation