University of Waterloo Research Talks

Thursday, January 24, 2019 11:45 am - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Unearthing Ancient Environments with Microbes 

A panel presentation and discussion for Waterloo faculty, staff, and students exploring the evolution of microbes featuring:


Alexis Dolphin (University of Waterloo)
Human-environment interactions in past populations

Andrew Doxey (University of Waterloo)
Computational prediction of protein functions and evolutionary adaptations 

Peter Keech (Nuclear Waste Management Organization)
Nuclear waste storage, microbial degradation, and long time scales

Kirsten Müller (University of Waterloo)
Red algae, the evolution of sexual reproduction, and multicellularity 


Refreshments will be provided. Research Talks is hosted by the Office of Research and the Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research, and supported by the Research Support Fund