Podcasting 101 for Economic Developers

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Date Location Registration fee Value
December 5, 2024 ONLINE $99 - $149


Start time 12:30am EDT End time 4:30pm EDT


With an average run time of 36 minutes and retention rate of 65% to the end, podcasts offer a unique opportunity for economic development organizations to tell stories that are too complex  or nuanced to condense to a short video or social media post. In this workshop, you’ll learn everything you need to start a podcast for your organization. We’ll cover how to pick the best theme and format to fit your goals, what kind of tech you’ll need, strategies to reach your target audience, and how to measure success.


Michelle Samson

Michelle Samson Headshot

Michelle Samson is the owner and Executive Producer of Storied Places Media, an agency that produces podcasts for economic development organizations. Michelle is a former radio news reporter, a certified economic developer, and a graduate of the University of Waterloo’s economic development master’s program.

The seed for Storied Places Media was planted when Michelle developed, hosted, and produced the Vaughan Rising Podcast while she was an Economic Development Officer for the City of Vaughan. Now her mission is to help other organizations leverage the power of audio storytelling to achieve their strategic goals. Her podcasts have thousands of collective downloads and have been recognized by IEDC, EDCO, and the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals.

Registration fees

Early bird $99 + HST
After November 21, 2024 $149 + HST