Outreach Facilitator

Applications for Fall 2024 Outreach Facilitators are open! Apply by June 18, 09:00 AM

The Engineering Outreach department works to create excitement and interest in the world of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through hands-on initiatives. The programs are targeted at Youth in Grades K-12, Educators, and Undergraduate audiences. The main programs run out of Engineering Outreach are: 

  • Catalyst – High school programs 

  • Engineering Science Quest – Elementary and high school programs (esq.uwaterloo.ca) 

  • ESQube – In-school workshops 

  • Hive Mind – Tutoring for Grade 11-12 science and math courses 

  • Indigenous Youth Programs – On-campus and in-community initiatives for Indigenous youth 

  • Kids on Campus – On-campus field trip for Grade 4 students 

  • STEMpowered – Black youth focused programs 

  • Women in Engineering – Girls, women and non-binary focused programs (wie.uwaterloo.ca) 

  • And more! Engineering Outreach looks to create opportunities for folks historically underrepresented in STEM fields. 

As a Facilitator for Engineering Outreach, you will be using your education to create and deliver programs that will share your passion and excitement for STEM. You will be assigned to one of the below areas of focus depending on your preferences (note that drivers with full G licenses are preferred for roles supporting off-campus programs):

  • Engineering Science Quest (ESQ)
  • ESQube
  • Women in Engineering
  • Kids on Campus
  • Community (Indigenous Youth Programs, STEMpowered, Additional events on and off-campus)
  • Floater (Supporting all areas of focus)

Tentative Hours of Work 

Monday to Friday - 8:30am to 4:30pm with a one-hour break.

Some evening and weekend work will be required. When this is the case, we will inform you ahead of time and shift your schedule to accommodate.

For all positions, you can expect a minimum of one day a week to be shifted to the evening for after-school programming.

Lived Experience 

A primary focus of Engineering Outreach programming is to reach equity deserving groups who have been historically underrepresented in STEM fields; these equity deserving groups include Black Youth, Indigenous Youth, Girls and Non-binary Youth, Persons with Disabilities, Racialized Communities and Youth facing socioeconomic disadvantages. Candidates with lived experience in one or more of these communities are encouraged to apply for the position. 

How to apply

To apply to any of the following jobs, please access the Application form below and include the following:

  • A one page cover letter
  • Resume

Engineering Outreach will only consider complete applications and will not follow up with any candidates who submit incomplete applications. 

If you have questions regarding the application process, please email us at engoutreach@uwaterloo.ca. 


Responsibilities vary by role: 


  • Learn and present workshops to both elementary and high school aged students
  • Develop STEM content for students
  • Develop new workshop activities that allow participants to interact with engineering and science
  • You will be delivering events both on and off campus for elementary and/or high school audiences under the direction of Engineering Outreach Staff
  • Evening/weekend work will be required to support out-of-the-classroom learning
  • Aim to provide opportunities for individuals historically underrepresented in STEM fields under the direction of Engineering Outreach Staff
  • With guidance, plan and deliver clubs and event content (in-person and may include some video and live online content delivery)
  • Work with community groups to meet their unique needs and requests for STEM programming
  • Driving department vans to and from off-site locations for school workshops and events (For those with full G license only)
  • Pack, load/unload, and setup at locations for school workshops and events
  • ESQube focuses specifically on driving department vans to and from schools and facilitating school workshops on a daily basis

Women in Engineering

  • Assist in the organization and implementation of various Women in Engineering mentorship programs
  • Create content and blurbs for our website, newsletters and social media for events and programs under the direction of Engineering Outreach Staff
  • Assist in the development of programs and events such as Industry night, Go ENG Girl, Go CODE Girl and Girl Guide Badge Day
  • With guidance, plan and deliver clubs and event content for Waterloo Engineering Outreach
  • Evening and weekend work will be required
  • Driving department vans to and from off-site locations for school workshops and events (For those with full G license only) may be required

Kids on Campus

  • Assist in the development and facilitation of an on-campus STEM-based experience for youth in Grades 4-6
  • In collaboration with Engineering Outreach Staff and University of Waterloo Faculty and Staff, run on-campus tour experiences that can be run for 20-30 Elementary students several times a week, while considering safety, impact on university stakeholders, time, and engagement opportunity
  • Lead the delivery of on-campus experiences for the program (including workshop and tour delivery)
  • Create content and blurbs for our website, newsletters and social media for events and programs under the direction of the Outreach Coordinator
  • With guidance, plan and deliver clubs and event content for Waterloo Engineering Outreach
  • Evening and weekend work will be required

Community Programs

  • Assist in the organization and implementation of various Engineering Outreach programs
  • Assist in the development of STEM-based community programs and events
  • Develop new STEM activities and content that allow participants to interact with engineering and science
  • Evening/weekend work will be required to support community events
  • Aim to provide opportunities for individuals historically underrepresented in STEM fields under the direction of Engineering Outreach Staff
  • You will be delivering programs both on and off campus for elementary and/or high school audiences under the direction of Engineering Outreach Staff
  • With guidance, plan and deliver event content (in-person)
  • Work with community groups to meet their unique needs and requests for STEM programming
  • Driving department vans to and from off-site locations for school workshops and events (For those with full G license only)
  • Pack, load/unload, and setup at locations for school workshops and events

Please note there will be opportunities that require all Facilitators to be involved, regardless of the assigned position.

Required Skills

General Qualifications

  • Experience giving presentations
  • Genuine interest in getting youth excited about the world of STEM
  • A background in STEM or education
  • Good organization and time management skills
  • Able to collaborate with teams of various sizes
  • Experience in Google Apps/ Microsoft Office for sharing knowledge across programs

Not required but an asset:

  • A current (full) G-Level License (does not include G1 and G2 Licenses)
  • Work/experience with youth
  • Experience working with community organizations
  • Technical background (soldering, tech hardware, coding skills)
  • Experience creating social media content

Expectations, Conduct and Behaviour

All Management and Facilitator Staff must be fully trained in Standard First Aid and CPR. Engineering Outreach will arrange a training date and cover the cost of First Aid/CPR training for those who do not have a valid certification. Any First Aid training outside of the schedule time is the financial responsibility of the staff member.

All Staff are required to undergo an official Vulnerable Sector check and must submit proof of this by the end of their first day of employment with Engineering Outreach. Vulnerable Sector checks are the financial responsibility of the Staff. Engineering Outreach will accept checks that were issued for work with other groups, pending the date of approval (< 6 months).

All Engineering Outreach Staff must comply with the guidelines and code as defined in the policy manual. A violation of policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment.

The University of Waterloo governs that operators of University vehicles must be over the age of 18 years, and proof of valid G Class driver's license is also required. The University carries liability insurance for said vehicles. However, any infractions, such as speeding tickets or other charges, are the sole responsibility of the vehicle operator.

At all times, Engineering Outreach staff will respect their fellow workers, as well as all University of Waterloo's faculty and staff. All University of Waterloo employees are bound to the applicable University of Waterloo policies, procedures and guidelines [http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infosec/Policies/Policies_alpha.html].

Compensation and Benefits

It is anticipated that as an Outreach Facilitator you will work a base number of 35-40 hours per week, at an hourly rate of $20.45 (in addition, 4% vacation pay is added to each pay cheque). Engineering Outreach may find it necessary to modify the number of weekly hours, depending on need. Where further reduction of hours is necessary, two weeks advance notice will be given. Salaries are paid monthly and are subjected to routine government deductions.