Universal Design
Some students in your class may require accommodation for disabilities. However, you can reduce the need for special accommodations and improve the course experience of all your students by building your course in as inclusive a manner as possible, following the principles of Universal Design. For guidelines on how how you can make your course accessible, see the following CTE resources:
- What is Universal Design?
- Universal Design: Course Design
- Universal Design: Instructional Strategies
Notification of the need for accommodation
Students who require accommodation for disabilities will be registered with AccessAbility Services. If you are a GI, you will receive an email notification from AccessAbility Services for each student in your class who requires accommodation. If you are a TA, your course coordinator will receive an email and will notify you of any accommodations you need to make.
The accommodation may be for in-class activities, for assignments, or for exams. You must complete the testing agreement to allow students in your class to write their exams with accommodations. For GIs, Accessibility Services's Faculty Module will allow you to monitor your students' accommodations and to make arrangements for students with accommodations who are writing exams.
For further information, see AccessAbility's Exam process page.
For more information
If you have a specific question about a student’s accommodation, contact the student’s AccessAbility advisor, whose name will be on the accommodation letter you received. You can also speak to your course coordinator or, if you are a GI, the GI coordinator.
More information on accommodating students with disabilities, including accessibility tips, exam processes, policies, and in-class accommodations, is available from the Faculty and staff page of the AccessAbility web site.