University of Waterloo Fire Research Group

A wide-angle view of the fire research lab from afar.

The University of Waterloo Fire Research Group is internationally respected for its excellence in fire research and fire safety education. 

As such, we build effective partnerships with other universities, fire safety professionals, fire safety related industries, and organizations.

We provide education and research for:

  • professionals in the fire safety related industries and organizations
  • undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • municipal fire service
  • military personnel

Through these partnerships and collaborations, the Fire Research Group is advancing fire safety through research and testing.  

Remote video URL

Advanced fire research facility available 

We welcome requests from outside companies or research centres interested in booking the facilities or collaborating on studies related to any aspect of fire performance, testing and development. Our large cross-flow test area is also suited to a variety of other wind driven experiments.

Visit ourresearch areas page for more information about ongoing, and recently completed, areas of research activity.

To learn more about potential research opportunities or to book any of the resources of the University of Waterloo Fire Research facility please contact us.

Fire safety education - courses and workshops

We offer a variety of courses in Fire Safety that can fulfil program requirements for a Certificate in Fire Safety, MEng Graduate Diploma in Fire Safety, MASc and PhD. See the links below to learn more.

fire research group logo

For information on Fire Safety courses, registration, and admissions:

Fire Safety Program Coordinator
Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
University of Waterloo
Engineering 7, Room 3318
200 University Avenue
Waterloo, ON, Canada
N2L 3G1

Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 43625