Sustainability Timeline

UW Food Services prides itself on supporting sustainable initiatives and always being concious of best practices for sustainable operation of our food service units. See how we have made a difference to the campus community, from our operations to our menu offerings across the years below!

  1. 2024
    1. Coming soon!

  2. 2023
      • Eco Container Grant (launched Fall 2023) provided to 1st year residence students.

      • 32.01% plant based purchases 

      • 32.36% fairtrade, local, sustainable purchases 

  3. 2022
      • 34.1% locally sourced food.

      • 31.7% Plant based food.

      • UW Food Services set up a booth at the annual Sustainability Fair's Zero Waste Day.

  4. 2021
  5. 2020
      • 27.8% locally sourced food.

      • Food Services began tracking plant-based purchases in their ordering system to enable better reporting and to analyse opportunities for supporting plant-based meals to students on our campus.

      • Food Services and the Sustainability Office hosted four major workshops collaboratively over 2020 connecting healthy and sustainable food, including sessions on Healthy and Sustainable Food Choices, Growing Microgreens, and Reducing Food Waste, as well as providing for a student-led virtual sustainable cooking show in residences.

  6. 2019
      • 27.8% locally sourced food.

      • UWFS signed the Forward Food Pledge with the Humane Society International in January 2019.

      • UWFS joins the Green Office Program.

      • UWFS hosts a free plant-based cook-off event.

      • University of Waterloo becomes a Fair Trade Campus.

      • The Sustainability Office and Food Services hosts a launch event recognizing receipt of the campus Fair Trade designation in September 2019.

      • Farm to Campus Fresh brand launch.

  7. 2018
      • 26.3% locally sourced food

      • The Sustainability Office hosted a booth on fair trade at the Renison Sustainability Fair.

      • Catering Services launched a new vegan/vegetarian menu as part of the catering offerings for major events and meetings across campus.

      • Food Services re-launches FRSH, a fully vegan/vegetarian food outlet, in the B.C. Matthews (BMH) expansion.

      • Food Services held a training session for chefs and culinary staff to expand the range of vegan and vegetarian food offerings.

      • Food Services, Feds, GSA, and Student Societies expanded promotion and signage for Fair Trade certified coffee, tea, and chocolate at food outlets.

      • Food Services hires a Registered Dietitian to help develop, implement, and maintain nutritional programming.

  8. 2017
      • 20.8% locally sourced food.

      • Priority product placement begins on vegan, vegetarian and Fair Trade items to encourage sustainable choices.

      • Sustainability Office launces Sustainability Certificate and facilitated informational sessions for UWFS staff.

  9. 2016
    1. 16.1% locally sourced food.

  10. 2015
    1. 18% locally sourced food.

  11. 2014
    1. 14% locally sourced food.

  12. 2012
    1. University Club Garden – Chefs and Catering staff begin a garden at the University Club and start preserving harvested seasonal produce.

  13. 2006
      • UW Farm Market launches after talks with student council (credit: Darcy Higgins)

      • UWFS starts purchasing local produce at the Elmira Produce Auction (EPAC).

  14. 2004
    1. Lug-a-Mug, our reusable mug program launches.