Meal Plans

At the University of Waterloo, students can choose from one of three meal plans including our Traditional, Suite-Style, and Off-Campus meal plans. As a student living in V1, REV or CMH, you must choose a Traditional Residence Meal Plan for each four-month term.

With a meal plan, you save money while enjoying the endless options at our eateries and franchises including Starbucks, Pizza Pizza, Tim Hortons, and more, making eating at Waterloo easy to fit in with your busy schedule! 



Enjoy a wide range of dishes and cuisines, so you’ll never get bored of what you eat.



We prioritize sustainability and make eco-friendly choices whenever possible. Learn more about our sustainable practices.

Balanced Eating

Registered Dietitian

Our Registered Dietitian on campus ensures students enjoy stress-free, balanced eating. Learn more about Nicole Pin!

Red Seal Certified

Red Seal Certification

We have Red Seal Certified chefs and cooks in all of our units.

Farm-to-Campus Fresh

Farm to Campus Fresh

We care about the food we create. Where does it come from?  How far has it travelled?  Who grew the produce? Learn more about Farm to Campus Fresh.

Mobile App

Mobile App

Enjoy the convenience of using your meal plan dollars to order directly from the mobile app. Learn more about our Mobile App.



With your savings, every 8th meal is free! Check out the Super Savers Plan for details.

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are eating well.

Students filling their plates with food at the dining hall