Science Teaching Complex (STC) and Quantum-Nano Centre (QNC) Buildings Located on Waterloo's Campus.
Do you have a passion for biology research and innovative applications of scientific knowledge?
Understand life and biological systems on a fundamental level to inspire scientific discovery while discovering innovative ways to tackle global water challenges with the Master of Science in Biology Collaborative Water program.
In this thesis-based program, you’ll be actively carrying out cutting-edge research under the supervision of a faculty member while also taking courses from exceptional faculty members who are global leaders in their fields. Along with developing expertise in your area of research, two interdisciplinary water courses will capture both theoretical and practical components, including in-class lectures, fieldwork, interdisciplinary group work, and individual research seminars.
You’ll emerge from the program as a future water leader able to communicate across disciplines and within interdisciplinary teams in the water sector.
Program overview
Department/School: Biology
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Admit term(s): Fall (September - December), Winter (January - April), Spring (May - August)
Delivery mode: On-campus
Program type: Collaborative, Master's, Research
Length of program: 24 months (full-time)
Registration option(s): Full-time, Part-time
Study option(s): Thesis
Application deadlines
- February 1 (for admission in September)
- July 1 (for admission in January of the following year)
- October 1 (for admission in May of the following year)
Key contacts
April Wettig at awettig@uwaterloo.ca
- Review the finding a supervisor resources.
- Before applying to the program, students are strongly advised to establish contact with potential supervisors. It is a good strategy to identify whether the potential supervisors that students would like to undertake research with have available positions and funding.
Admission requirements
- A 75% overall standing in the last two years, or equivalent, in an Honours Bachelor of Science degree or equivalent.
Degree requirements
- Review the degree requirements in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, including the courses that you can anticipate taking as part of completing the degree.
- Check out Waterloo's institutional thesis repository - UWspace to see recent submissions from the department of Biology graduate students.
Application materials
- Supplementary information form (SIF)
- The SIF contains questions specific to your program, typically about why you want to enrol and your experience in that field. Review the application documents web page for more information about this requirement.
- If a statement or letter is required by your program, review the writing your personal statement resources for helpful tips and tricks on completion.
- References
- Three references are required; at least 2 academic.
- Proof of English language proficiency, if applicable
- TOEFL 90 (writing 25, speaking 25), IELTS 7.0 (writing 6.5, speaking 6.5)
Tuition and fees
Visit the graduate program tuition page on the Finance website to determine the tuition and incidental fees per term for your program.
Review living costs and housing.
Review the funding graduate school resources for graduate students.