Accounting and Financial Management admission requirements for Alberta high school students

Admission average

Individual selection from the mid-80s

Required courses

  • English Language Arts 30-1 -- A minimum grade of 75 is required
  • Mathematics 30-1 -- A minimum grade of 75 is required
  • Mathematics 31 -- A minimum grade of 75 is required

General requirements

  • High school diploma with five academic courses at the 30 or 31 level.
  • If you write a provincial exam for any subject except for English Language Arts 30-1, we'll use the higher grade of either your in-class school grade or your final grade (blended school and exam mark) for admission and scholarship decisions. For English Language Arts 30-1, we'll use only the final blended grade.
  • Physical Education 30 and Career and Technology Studies courses are not accepted as academic courses.
  • For admission purposes, two 3-credit 30-level academic courses may be considered equivalent to one 5-credit 30-level academic course.

Program notes

  • The School of Accounting and Finance Admissions Assessment (SAFAA) online interview (part 1) and trait assessment (part 2) are required.
  • If your first language is not English, you may need to meet our English language requirements.
  • Are you an Ontario student taking IB courses? Admission to Waterloo is based on your Ontario Grade 12 U and M courses. If you're taking IB Math, your school will convert this course to MCV4U, MHF4U, and/or MDM4U. You can take any IB Math course and be eligible for admission as long as you receive Ontario credits for both MCV4U and MHF4U. Learn about possible transfer credit.

For more information