
Here are upcoming presentations by GoHelp lab students:

Rodrigo Curty will be presenting at Symposium of Research in International Relations, organized by the State University of Rio de Janeiro and he will be presenting on:China in Latin America and the Caribbean: Overcoming dependency or promoting new forms of dominance.

In spite of all the challenges the Covid-19 pandemic triggered over the last several months, two of the welcome gifts it also afforded me has been 1) time to reflect and 2) the ability to continue with my studies in an atypical way. My experience as a graduate student in the School of Planning had already unceasingly tested my motivation and self-direction but working as a Research Assistant (RA) and powering through electives over the Spring term helped me recognize how important it is to foster supportive relationships and prioritize your own wellbeing during uncertain times.

Friday, October 28, 2016 12:00 am - Saturday, October 29, 2016 12:00 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

2016 Canadian Association of Geographers of Ontario Conference (CAGONT)

Join us in Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo on October 28 (field trips and grad student reception) and October 29 (exciting plenary and concurrent sessions presenting cutting edge research)