GoHelP attends 16th IMGS in Vancouver, BC

Friday, July 10, 2015

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Professor Susan Elliott, Francesca Cardwell, Kristin Brown and Andrea Rishworth were on hand to represent the GoHelP lab at the 16th International Medical Geography Symposium in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

  • Andrea presented on malaria in Malawi: "Does pregnancy intent influence malaria prevention behaviour?: A Malawi case study"
  • Francesca presented results from her ongoing PhD research: "What do climate change, respiratory health, and the childhood obesity question have in common?"
  • Kristin presented the paper that emerged from her PhD comprehensive exams: "Searching for rigour in mixed methods health research: A methodological review"
  • Professor Elliott did double duty presenting on two active research projects (Jenna Dixon, 9 months pregnant, was sadly unable to attend this year): "Measuring what matters on a global scale: developing a global index of wellbeing (GLOWING)" and  "What is this thing called Knowledge Translation? Part II: What about the endusers"

Andrea, Francesca and Kristin at the IMGS.