GoHelP's Sabrina Li and the PolyGone team advance to AquaHacking Finals!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Aquahacking 2017 logo
The 'United for Lake Erie' AquaHacking 2017 semi-final competition took place last week, where 17 teams competed and presented their innovative ideas to address the challenges and opportunities facing Lake Erie. Sabrina Li and her team, "PolyGone", were one of 5 teams selected to advance to the final competition at Waterloo on September 13th, where they will compete for a $75,000 in funding and access to local accelerators. PolyGone is focused on developing a product to capture microfibers that shed off clothing during the washing process. The product is a sheet made of a fine filter with a polymer coating to attract microfibers as they float through the laundry water. Of the micro-plastic pollution in the Great Lakes, fibres make up 71%. 

This is an adaptation of an article originally posted on The Water Institute's website