In their free time, two of our lab members have dedicated themselves towards battling the stigma surrounding mental health on campus. This month, their long running campaign received well-deserved recognition for the great impact its had.

GoHelP lab members Kristin Brown (left) and Stephanie Lu (right), along with third-year Biomedical Sciences student Suzie Alexander (centre), won second place at the Council of Ontario Universities' Mental Health 2.0 competition for their Facebook campaign, Stand up to Stigma.
Since the first visit to the Student Life Centre, Stand Up to Stigma has continued to build momentum, supported by 60 undergraduate and graduate student volunteers. In March, the team hosted Spotlight, an art exhibit showcasing pieces inspired by mental health topics.
The campaign’s innovative approach to mental health was recently acknowledged by the Ontario Council of Universities at the inaugural Mental Health 2.0 competition. The team took home second place and a $1,000 prize, which they will put towards new initiatives—including the mental health peer discussion groups.
See more on this in their profile at Waterloo Stories.