Professor Susan Elliott is one of two members of the University of Waterloo to receive funding for the prestigious new Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships.
Professor Elliott's winning proposal "Building Research Capacity in LMICs through the Global Index of Wellbeing (GLOWING) Project" will provide four years of full funding for four PhD students from African Commonwealth countries to study at the University of Waterloo, including funds for research and travel.
Jointly announced in June 2014, by Governor General David Johnston, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships will help develop the next generation of innovative leaders and community builders, both locally and globally.
Potential students from African Commonwealth countries are encouraged to contact Professor Elliott to discuss the opportunity to hold one of the four scholarships.
Read the media release from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
For additional details including donors to the program and participating universities please visit www.queenelizabethscholars.ca and winning proposals.