Friday, January 11, 2019

GoHelP welcomes Buba Manjang to the University of Waterloo! Buba is interested in improving the health of populations in rural communities, and will be working under the supervision of Susan Elliott to address this shared interest.
I intend to work on a pilot study for an integrated, community-directed intervention for schistosomiasis control in the Niani District of the Gambia
Buba Manjang is a recipient of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth Scholarship (QEScholars) and will be working on the Water Security as a Foundation for Healthy Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods project at the University of Waterloo. Previously he worked on the efficacy of behaviour change interventions for improving mothers weaning food handling practices, and studied at the University of Birmingham, University of Malaysia, and University of The Gambia. Welcome, and we look forward to working with you Buba!
The QES is managed through a unique partnership of Universities Canada, the Rideau Hall Foundation (RHF), Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) and Canadian universities. The QES-AS is made possible with financial support from IDRC and SSHRC.