Francesca Cardwell completed a Doctor of Philosophy under Dr. Susan Elliott’s supervision in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo (2018). Francesca is a health geographer, interested primarily in the relationships between the environment and health.
Francesca is currently working on two studies using semi-structured in-depth interviews and photovoice focus groups to explore the lived experiences of individuals with lupus nephritis and antiphospholipid syndrome. Previously, Francesca led an integrated knowledge translation project that aimed to improve the working lives of individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus. This project leveraged the findings from previous research activities, and developed specific and actionable systems-level interventions through a hackathon involving key stakeholders held at the University of Waterloo in Spring, 2019.
Francesca’s interest in environmental, social, and health inequalities emerged during her undergraduate training in the Arts and Science Program at McMaster University (2009). In 2011, she completed her master's in health geography at McMaster, working with Dr. Elliott. Francesca’s MA thesis used qualitative methods to investigate public perceptions and behaviour change mechanisms related to global environmental change and health in southern Ontario. The main themes of this research related to environmental risk perception and behaviour change laid the foundations for her doctoral research, which used mixed-methods to understand how the links between the environment, allergic disease, and physical activity are perceived in the youth sport environment in Ontario. Francesca’s broad research interests include environmental risk perception, the social and environmental determinants of health, qualitative research methods, physical activity and sport participation, and child and youth health. Outside of research and teaching, Francesca enjoys coaching competitive soccer.
Francesca currently works as a Research Associate in Geography and Environmental Management.
Cardwell, F. & Elliott, S.J. (2018) Investigating youth sport coach perspectives of an asthma education model. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. doi: 10.1155/2018/2512010
Elliott, S.J. & Cardwell, F.S. (2018). What about the other 50 percent of the Canadian population? Food allergies ignored in the national policy plan. Canadian Food Studies. 5(3): 285-289.
Torabi, B., Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. & Chan, E. S. (2016) The impact of bullying in Canadian children with confirmed food allergy and its influence on wearing medical identification. Pediatrics and Child Health. 29(5):e39 - e42
Cardwell, FS & Elliott, SJ. 2019. They say “Kids with Asthma Don’t Play Sports”: Geographies of asthma. Children’s Geographies. 6:649-663; doi:10.1080/14733285.2019.1649362
Cardwell, FS & Elliott, SJ. 2019. Understanding an Environmental Health Risk: Investigating asthma risk perception in Ontario youth sport. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(11): 2033; doi:10.3390/ijerph16112033
Cardwell, FS, Bisung, E, Clarke, AE & Elliott, SJ. 2020. Hacking for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Outcomes of the Waterlupus Hackathon. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice. 40(7-8):235-244.
Dixon, J, Cardwell, FS, Clarke, AE & Elliott, SJ. 2020. Choices are inevitable: A qualitative exploration of the lifecosts of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Chronic Illness. doi:10.1177/1742395320910490.
Cardwell FS, Elliott SJ, Clarke AE. 2021. The value of hackathons in integrated Knowledge Translation (iKT) research: Waterlupus. Health Research Policy and Systems. 19:138.
Cardwell, FS, Clarke, AE, Elliott, SJ. Investigating self-reported food allergy prevalence in Waterloo Region, Ontario. The Canadian Geographer. 2022; doi: 10.1111/cag.12800
Cardwell, FS, Elliott, SJ, … Clarke, AE. Investigating how SLE patients access health information pre and during COVID-19. Lupus Science & Medicine. 2022; 9(1): e000755.
Cardwell et al. Canadian Patient Experiences of Lupus Nephritis (LN): a qualitative analysis. Lupus Science & Medicine. 10:e000982.
Cardwell et al. Snowmobiling and Climate Change: Exploring shifts in snowmobile activity using a temporal analogue approach in Ontario (Canada). Tour Hosp; 2023 (4)4: 604-617 Cardwell, F. & Elliott, S.J. (2018) Investigating youth sport coach perspectives of an asthma education model. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. doi: 10.1155/2018/2512010
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2017, June). Physical activity in a changing climate: Asthma and youth sport participation. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, York University, Toronto, Ontario.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2015, July). What do climate change, respiratory health, and the childhood obesity question have in common? Paper presented at the XVIth International Medical Geography Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2014, May). “They were dropping like flies”: Exploring environmental health risks in youth team sport in Ontario. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Brock University, St Catherines, ON.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2014, May). “I don’t see it changing anything in sport”: Exploring climate change and health in youth team sport in Ontario. Poster presented at Science and Cities Connect, The 2nd Annual Ontario Climate Consortium, Western University, London, ON.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J., Devotta, K. (2013, October). “It really helps the students”: An evaluation of the RunSMART Program. Paper presented at the Joint Annual Meeting East Lakes Division AAG (ELDAAG) & Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division (CAGONT), University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2012, May). Understanding the role of social capital in environmental adaptation: A case study of climate change. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2011, October). Public perceptions of global climate change in southern Ontario. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division, Lakehead University, Orillia, ON.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2011, July). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of global environmental change and health: toward sustainable behaviour change? Paper presented at the XIVth International Medical Geography Symposium, Durham University, Durham, UK.
- Cardwell, F.S., Elliott, S.J. (2010, October). Assessing public perceptions of global environmental change: A systematic critical appraisal. Poster presented at the 3rd Workshop on Environmental Change and Health Security in Beijing-Tianjin Mega City Area, Beijing, China.