Andrea completed her PhD in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo. Her research interests lie broadly in human environmental health, health inequalities, global health, maternal and gendered health, and aging health care. Andrea is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship (QEScholars) and as such worked on the Water Security as a Foundation for Healthy Communities and Sustainable Livelihoods project. Andrea holds an MA from the Department of Geography at Western University, where she conducted research on barriers to access and use of maternal health services in the context of changing maternal health policy in Ghana’s Upper West Region. She also holds an honours BA with a double major in socio-cultural anthropology and geography.
Andrea is a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. Ageing in the Developing World. 2nd Edition of the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, published by Elsevier (in press 2020).
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. Ageing in low- and middle- income countries. In: Skinner, M. Andrews, G. & Cutchin, M. (eds) Geographical Gerontology: Perspectives, Concepts, Approaches. 2017. pp 112-123. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group New York.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. Global Environmental change in an ageing world: the role of space, place and scale. Social Science & Medicine. 2018, 227: 128-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.07.027
- Rishworth, A., Elliott, S.J, Dixon, J., & Clarke, A. (2016). What do the people who use the research results think? Attempting integrated knowledge translation in the 'knowledge creation' phase. Universal Journal of Public Health, 4(3): 144-15. doi: 10.13189/ujph.2016.040304
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Luginaah, I., Mkandawire, P., Tampah Prince, C., (2016) "I was on the way to the hospital but delivered in the bush”: Maternal Health in Ghana’s Upper West Region in the Context of a Traditional Birth Attendants’ Ban. Social Science & Medicine, 148, 8-17. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.11.018
- Rishworth, A., Bisung, E. & Luginaah, I (2016) "It's like a disease": Women's perceptions of caesarean sections in Ghana's Upper West Region. Women and Birth, 29(6): e119-e125. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wombi.2016.05.004
- Kuuire , V. Z., Rishworth, A., Tenkorang, E.Y., Luginaah, I.,Yawson, A.E. (2016). Health insurance coverage among the elderly: Is the pro-poor premium exemption policy of Ghana’s NHIS eliminating disparities? Health Policy and Planning. 36(2): 231-249. DOI 10.1007/s11113-016-9420-2
- Atuoye, K. N., Dixon, J., Rishworth, A., Galaa, S. Z., Boamah, S. A., & Luginaah, I. (2015). Can she make it? Transportation barriers to accessing maternal and child health care services in rural Ghana. BMC health services research, 15(1), 333. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-015-1005-y
- Mambulu, F. N., Mkandawire, P., Dixon, J., Mason, S., Rishworth, A., & Luginaah, I. (2015). Silence of the leaders: alcohol policy-making in Malawi. African Geographical Review, 34(3): 232-249. https://doi.org/10.1080/19376812.2014.1003306
- Mason, S. A., Dixon, J., Mambulu, F., Rishworth, A., Mkandawire, P., & Luginaah, I. (2014). Management challenges of urban biosolids: narratives around facility siting in rural Ontario. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(8): 1368-1383. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2014.925853
Conference Presentations
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2019). “We’re raped and defiled cause they think we’re into witchcraft”: Examining the Health Impacts of Witchcraft Accusations Among Elderly Women in Uganda. 18th International Medical Geography Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2019). Examining how gender and age interact across the life course to influence wellbeing in old age: A case study of Uganda. American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2018). Exploring links between aging and wellbeing: a case study of Uganda. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Annual Meeting. Quebec City, QC.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2018). Addressing Poverty and Inequalities in the Sustainable Development Agenda: Case Studies from Africa. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2018). “We’re the forgotten ones, they care about the women and children, but what about us?”: Exploring the challenges to health and wellbeing among aging populations in Uganda. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2017). Addressing the Determinants of Health and Wellbeing of Aging Populations in the Context of sub-Saharan Africa.17th International Medical Geography Symposium (IMGS). Angers, France.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2017). It’s a big world out there: re-placing aging in place. Geographies of Ageing, Health & Health Care, Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division. Kingston, ON.
- Rishworth, A. & Elliott, S.J. (2017). Re-Placing Aging in Place in the Geographies of Aging. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) 2017 Annual Meeting. York University, Toronto ON.
- Rishworth, A., Bisung, E., & Luginaah, I. (2016). “It's Like a Disease”: Women's perceptions of caesarean sections in Ghana's Upper West Region. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA
- Rishworth, A. Kuuire, V., Luginaah, I. Health insurance coverage among the elderly: Is the pro-poor premium exemption policy of Ghana’s NHIS eliminating disparities?. IMGS, Vancouver, Canada (July, 2015).
- Rishworth, A. Kuuire, V. Correlates of malaria prevention knowledge among women of reproductive age in Madagascar”. AAG, Chicago, Illinois, (April, 2015).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Luginaah, I. “We’re still struggling for care”: Women’s access to maternal health resources in the context of Ghana’s Maternal Exemption Policy in the Upper West Region. Multidisciplinary Symposium in Geography. Ottawa University, (November 2014).
- Rishworth, A, Luginaah, I. Do exemption programs remove barriers to health care? Underutilization of Ghana’s Maternal Exemption Policy in the Upper West Region. Qualitatives, Brescia, Western University, (June, 2014).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Luginaah, I. Free Maternal Health Insurance in Ghana’s Upper West Region: Is it Really Free? Exploring determinants related to under utilization. CAG Annual Meeting, Brock University, Ontario (May, 2014).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Luginaah, I."I was on the way to the hospital but delivered on the way… I couldn’t get to the hospital": Challenging policy modifications and the necessity of retraining TBA in Ghana's UWR rural remote areas. AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, (April, 2014).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Luginaah, I. Maternal exemption policy within the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana’s Upper West Region: Exploring the hidden determinants of lack of utilization. AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, (April, 2014).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon J., Mkandawire, P., Luginaah, I. Does Wealth Influence Enrolment Status? A Study of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Ghana's Upper West Region. AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, (April, 2013).
- Rishworth, A., Dixon, J., Mkandawire P., Luginaah, I. Do Maternal Exemption Programs within Ghana’s NHIS Remove Barriers to Health Care for Rural Poor? CAGONT Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, (October, 2012).