Alexa Bennett

PhD Candidate
Profile image of Alexa Bennet

Alexa Bennett is a PhD student in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo. She is interested in research on global environmental health with a focus on water and sanitation in low-resource contexts.

Alexa holds a Master of Science in Global Health from McMaster University and Bachelor of Education from McGill University. She has obtained a Water Without Borders Graduate Diploma from the United Nations University - INWEH as well as a certificate in Humanitarian Water Engineering from York University.

Alexa is also affiliated with the PH2E lab at the University of Victoria through her role as Programme Coordinator of Canada’s NSERC CREATE in water and sanitation for low-resource Contexts. 


  • Bennett, A., Kapoor, V. Elliott, S., Meeuwisse, S. (2023). Water fetching and musculoskeletal health across the life-course in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review. PLoS Global Health.