Keely’s doctoral research is focused on the creation of healthy communities and the relational dynamics of place. Alongside the physical environment and urban design, Keely’s research interests include health practices; health equity; political will; and social norms related to gender. Keely regularly seeks out additional educational opportunities to supplement her coursework, including participating in summer institutes (e.g., Departures, Arrivals and Encounters: Feminist Approaches to Migration and Mobility Justice at Concordia University’s Simone de Beauviour Institute) and professional training (e.g., Fundamentals of University Teaching Program and Certificate in University Teaching from the University of Waterloo’s Centre for Teaching Excellence). Keely has received the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship in Science & Technology during her time at the University of Waterloo.
Select Presentations (* indicates presenter)
- Stenberg, K.*, & Dean, J. (August 16, 2024). How do we create healthy communities? An exploration of collaboration and action on health equity in place. Canadian Association of Geographers 74th Annual Meeting; St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. [Oral presentation]
- Stenberg, K.A.*, & Dean, J.A. (November 4, 2022). Developing healthy communities: A document analysis of government regulations for planning. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning 62nd Annual Conference;Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [Oral presentation]
- Stenberg, K.A.*, & Dean, J.A. (June 24, 2022). Strategies change over time: A critical discourse analysis of planning’s commitment to health in Canada. International Medical Geographers Symposium; Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. [Oral presentation]
- Stenberg, K.A.*, & Dean, J.A. (November 18, 2022). Integrating planners into healthy city initiatives: A scoping study of intervention research. First Annual Healthy Cities Conference; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [Poster presentation]
- Stenberg, K.A.*, & Dean, J.A. (May 1, 2019). A gendered perspective on health equity: Protective health practices and equitable access to local built environments. Public Health 2019, Canadian Public Health Association; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. [Poster presentation]