Alexander Penlidis - Chemical Engineering

The students of Dr. Penlidis write about his passion for teaching and research and how he has instilled this same level of passion in them. Students say that Dr. Penlidis always had a clear research plan when he took them under his supervision. He would help them stay focussed and achieve their target. He always has an “open-door” policy and gets information back to the students in a timely manner. He teaches his students time management, critical thinking, multi-tasking and problem solving. He is a caring individual who spends time with the students discussing other topics like art and philosophy which has helped the students to be more “well-rounded” individuals.

A senior professor writes “One challenge that many supervisors face is to balance pressures to complete a funded project on time with the time required for a student to learn the subject area and become productive. It appears that Alex quickly develops a good insight into student’s capabilities to balance the learning objectives with the requirements of the project.”

Professor Penlidis holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Engineering of Polymers with Tailor-Made Properties from 2002 to the present. In 2002 he was elected a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) and in 1994 he became a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC). Dr. Penlidis has completed thirty-nine master’s and nineteen doctoral students and is currently supervising six master’s students and one doctoral student. He has also supervised twelve postdoctoral fellows and twenty-eight Research Engineers/Associates.

Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision winners
