Department/Program Graduate Co-ordinators

  • For a list of building abbreviations, refer to the campus map.
  • To reach any of the contacts by phone, call the main University of Waterloo phone line at 519-888-4567, followed by the extension of the person you wish to reach
  • If you are a faculty or staff member who requires a copy of this list in excel format for communication purposes, please use the Request for graduate studies department/program contacts list


Contact name and email Extension Location
Accounting – Admissions, Records, Funding (PhD) Jenny Rothwell 32770 HH 3172
Accounting – Admissions, Records (MAcc) Keira So 44050 HH 3159
Anthropology (Public Issues) Miljana Kovacevic 42403 PAS 2012
Applied Mathematics Tina Wang N/A N/A
Architecture Mark Anderton 47661 Cambridge
Biology April Wettig 46392 ESC 357A
Biomedical Engineering Jamiee Kropf N/A N/A
Business Entrepreneurship and Technology Nina Ripley 48381 E7 
Catholic Thought - (St. Jerome's University) Serena Catania 519-884-8110 x28353 SJU SH 2006
Chemical Engineering MASc and PhD Judy Caron 40279 E6 3028

Chemical Engineering - Admissions, Records, and Funding (MEng)

Ellen Gong  41019 E6 3024
Chemistry Madeleine Blauel 40566 C2 260C
Chemistry - GWC2 (including Nanotechnology) - Admissions Kim Rawson ext 48111 or 519-824-4120 ext 53848 C2 280
Civil and Environmental Engineering Stephanie Kears N/A N/A
Classical Studies Brigitte Schneebeli 42377 ML 224
Climate Change -  see Geography and Environmental Management      
Combinatorics and Optimization Melissa Cambridge 34027 MC 5013
Computational Mathematics Tina Wang 42157 MC 6036

Computer Science - Graduate Coordinator, All Master's Programs (Thesis, Coursework and Research), GRS Funding


Computer Science – Graduate Coordinator - Admissions/Records

Amy Todd

38382 DC 2599D
Computer Science – Graduate Studies Supervisor, Office Mgmt, Admin, Senate, Scholarships, Scheduling Denise Shantz 34872 DC 2628
Computer Science – Graduate Coordinator, TA Eligibility, Extensions, Scholarships and Conference Assistantships Makenna Ryder N/A N/A
Computer Science – Graduate Coordinator, All PhD programs, GRS Funding

Nadine Zinger

N/A DC 2599C
Computer Science – Office Assistant - Admission Applicant inquiries, CS Grad email, forms, remedials Samantha Khan N/A DC 2599
Data Science - Admissions and Records Marie Kahkejian 38300 M3 2118
Data Science - Graduate Coordinator - Admissions/Records Andrea Blyth-Estabrooks N/A M3 2118

Digital Experience Innovation - Admissions/Records

Summer Rashed 23009


Earth and Environmental Sciences Sue Fisher 35836 EIT 2035
Economics (for program inquiries)

Sherri Anne Arsenault (for all other inquiries)


Electrical and Computer Engineering -Admissions (MEng and MEng Power)

Kaylen Norris 38231 EIT 3133
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Admissions (MASc and PhD) Naomi Sumi 31212 EIT 3134
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Graduate Funding and Scholarship Coordinator) Susan Widdifield 32912 EIT 3135
Electrical and Computer Engineering (PhD and PhD special programs)

Cassandra Brett

33645 EIT 3139
Electrical and Computer Engineering (MASc, MEng and MEng Power Programs) Amber Beaudoin 33586 EIT 3138
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Manager)

Jessica Rossi

33330 EIT 3136
English Language and Literature - Admissions, Records and Funding Agata Jagielska 43618 HH 250
Fine Arts Sharon Dahmer 36923 ECH 1201
French Studies

Scarlett van Berkel

41595 ML 336
Future Cities (Online) Cynthiya Subramaniam 42784 EV1 335
Geography and Environmental Management      

Alan Anthony -

MA, MA (Water), MES, MES (Water), MSc, MSc (Water), PhD, and PhD (Water)

42730 EV1 308

Teresa Wilson -

Master of Climate Change, GDip in Climate Risk Management

48539 EV1-315
German/Russian Kira Youngblut 43059 ML
Global Governance Rachael Gergely  N/A Balsillie School
History    Robyn Wilkinson 43328 HH 136
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) - Records and Funding Paula Roser 40273 QNC 3109
Kinesiology and Health Sciences (KHS) Alicia Nadon 41031 BMH 3028
Management Science and Engineering - Admissions (MMSc-online, MoT, MMSc course work, Data Analytics - GDip) MMSc course work on campus records N/A CPH 4319
Management Science and Engineering (MASc, PhD) Lisa Hendel 33670 CPH 4370
Mathematics for Teachers - Admissions, Records, and Funding  Alissa Trochimchuk  40788 MC 6241
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering - Graduate Funding Co-ordinator (TA, GRS, and Scholarships) Tanya Yoworski 43625 E7 3312
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering - Records (MENG, MASC)

Karen Schooley

43385 E7 3314
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering - Admissions (MENG, MASC, PhD) Mat Walton 41592 E5 3318
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering - Nanotechnology (PhD) Jian Zou 42019 E7 3316
Nanotechnology Program Annette Dietrich 41896 E7 7432
Peace and Conflict Studies Thomas Fraser 24248 Grebel
Pharmacy Melinda Recchia 21353 PHR 4006
Philosophy Ashley Price N/A HH 319
Physics - Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) Angela Hovdestad N/A PI
Physics and Astronomy - Manager/Admissions/Funding Sophie Gagnon N/A PHY 259
Physics and Astronomy - Records Janine Graham N/A PHYS 260
Planning - Admissions & Records Tracey Beirness 48154 EV3 3211
Political Science  Darshani Madumali 42214 HH 314
Psychology Emily Jäkel 41272 PAS 3013
Public Service - Admissions Sheila McConnell 31012 EC5 1007
Pure Mathematics Kathy Smyth 35674 MC 5314
Recreation and Leisure Studies Ibelemari Kio N/A N/A
Recreation and Leisure Studies - Admissions, Records, and Funding Ibelemari Kio N/A N/A
Religious Studies Priti Nayak 43497 PAS 1055

School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)

  • Sustainability Management MES 
  • Sustainability Management MES (Water)
  • Sustainability Management PhD
Anastasiya Saparaliyeva 33586 EV3 4213

School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)

  • Economic Development and Innovation (MEDI)
  • Master's of Environment and Business (MEB)
  • Master of Development Practice program (MDP)
Jennifer Doucet 42520 Ev3-4221
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (SERS) Stephanie Mohl N/A EV2 2032
School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS) – Professional Graduate Programs (MPH, MHE, MHI) Michelle Fluit 47734 LHN
School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS) – Graduate Research Programs (MSc & PhD) Amin Hosseinnejad 43518 BMH 2734
School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS) – Admissions, Records and Funding Jaiden Cote 48189 BMH
School of Public Health Sciences (SPHS) – Professional Graduate Programs (MPH, MHI, MHE) – Admissions, Records Athira Chandrasekhara Rao 40257 LHN 2733
School of Optometry and Vision Science Angela Hare 35039 OPT 301A
Sociology and Legal Studies Quinn Smith 41953 PAS 2047
Social Work Shella Zagada

519-884-4404 x28729

REN 1422
Social Work - Admissions Keri Raif 519-884-4404 x28698 REN 1424

Statistics and Actuarial Science

  • Master of Quantitative Finance
  • Master of Actuarial Science
Helen Chen 41232 M3 3139

Statistics and Actuarial Science

  • MMath (Actuarial Science, Biostatistics, Statistics)

Heather McLaughlin

M3 3138

Statistics and Actuarial Science

  • PhD (Actuarial Science, Biostatistics, Statistics)
  • Scholarships and Awards
Mary Lou Dufton 46532 M3 3137

Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business - Admissions and Records

Nicole Sguigna 23004 Stratford
Systems Design Engineering (PhD programs, and graduate funding) Anna Cunningham 40590 E5 6104
Systems Design Engineering (Masters programs) Shannel Noseworthy 43143 E5 6103
Taxation Joyce Becker 37553 HH 3167
Theological Studies (Conrad Grebel University College) Mariia Smyrnova  42411 Waterloo