Supporting you from your first term to convocation
Information, resources, and supports for graduate students at Waterloo.
Digging in to LinkedIn
Join the Centre for Career Development to learn how to use LinkedIn to network successfully and meet your career goals.
Explore Your Count Data
Count data, which consists of non-negative integers, is commonly collected and analyzed in fields like epidemiology, genomics, and clinical research. This workshop will introduce you to Poisson regression, a powerful tool for modelling count data over time.
The Art of Saying "No": Mastering Expectations in Graduate School
Explore decision-making strategies for deciding when to say "yes" and when to say "no" to different opportunities and events, as well as suggestions and tips for conveying your decision.
Predicting infant risk of exposure to mother’s medication
PhD student Shirley Wang is working on a new mathematical model that can determine a baby’s overall drug exposure when their mother is taking medication.
Academic accommodations for creed/religion – now available
As a graduate student, you have the right to seek academic accommodations on creed/religious grounds.
Senate graduate student member elections update
On behalf of the University of Waterloo Senate, the Secretariat is pleased to announce the results of the Senate graduate student member elections for the 2025-2026 governance year.