Becky was born in April, 1975 in Zaire, Africa. Her parents Aden and Sheryl Frey were working there in agricultural development with Mennonite Central Committee.
Becky always had an ear for anyone who needed someone to talk to. She was a great listener, something which endeared her to many of her friends.
She had a strong sense of fair play in local as well as international terms. This passion took her to Mennonite World Conference in Winnipeg as her church’s Peace and Social Justice representative, as well as to the Peace and Conflict Studies program at Conrad Grebel.
In the fall of 1995, she was diagnosed with cancer. She handled her illness with grace and faith. Even when the treatments made her tired, she still maintained that spark that was everything Becky.
Her laughter and her dreams live on in the memories of her friends and family. A tree now grows in front of the College in her memory. This scholarship will allow Becky’s goals and dreams to continue.
About the Award
In memory of Becky Frey (top middle), a Grebel student who died of cancer in 1996, a scholarship will be awarded to a second-year or third-year student enrolled in Peace and Conflict Studies. The scholarship will be based on a combination of scholastic ability and financial need.
The award will be given to:
- A student who is now in their second or third year of studies who will return and pursue further studies at the University of Waterloo in the next academic year.
- A student who has formally enrolled in an Option, Minor or Diploma in Peace and Conflict Studies.
- A student who has demonstrated financial need.
- A student who has demonstrated scholastic ability.
The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage PACS students affiliated with Conrad Grebel College to continue with their interest in peace issues.
Amount: Up to two scholarships of approximately $1,000.