PACS Scholarship Application

Personal Information
Academic Program Information
List all PACS courses you have taken, or are currently enrolled in
Please include: Name of award, term, and year received.
PACS Scholarships & Bursaries
I am applying for the following award(s)
Read the award criteria carefully.
Application document submission
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, docx.
Financial Need
Optional Financial Need
In this section, if you wish for financial needs to be considered, select yes and explain the need below. If you provide this information, it will be kept confidential.
Are you eligible for OSAP?
Note: If OSAP eligibility is a requirement to receive an award, you must produce your OSAP document to Grebel Finance when you claim the award in the fall term.
I declare that the information I have provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. By submitting the application, I effectually sign my name to this declaration.