
books on a shelf

The department of Peace and Conflict Studies is home to a diverse range of research interests of both faculty and students. For further information on faculty research interests, click on the name of the faculty member to be redirected to their full bio.

PACS is proud to work alongside the Institute of Peace and Conflict Stuidies (IPACS). IPACS undertakes research and public education projects, and provides support for peacemaking efforts at various levels. Currently, researchers at IPACS give leadership to:

  • Project Ploughshares - a Canadian peace research institute with a focus on disarmament efforts and international security, specifically related to the arms trade, emerging military and security technologies, nuclear weapons, and outer space.
  • Certificate Program in Conflict Management - offers conflict management skills training; workshops may be taken for interest only or to obtain a certificate.

Faculty Research Interests

Faculty Areas of Research
Nathan Funk Cross-cultural conflict resolution, religion in conflict and peacemaking, the contemporary Middle East, sustained dialogue, peace and conflict theory, local capacities for peacebuilding
Reina Neufeldt Ethics and peacebuilding, development of civil society, action research and reflective practice in conflict transformation
Johonna McCants-Turner Restorative & transformative justice; contemporary social movements; narrative peacebuilding.
Eric Lepp Side-by-sidedness; everyday peace; spaces of encounter and coexistence; identity and conflict; resistance to power; aesthetics and peace; graffiti; conflict transformation; implications of international intervention in conflict settings; peace education.