Canada\textquoterights Historic Places/Lieux patrimoniaux du Canada
Title | Canada\textquoterights Historic Places/Lieux patrimoniaux du Canada |
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Abstract | Annotation by Michelle Samson. is the official website of the Historic Places Initiative. The Initiative\’s mandate\—in conjunction with the Federal, Provincial and Territorial governments \– is to bring together groups and individuals with an interest in historic conservation in order to standardize practices across the country. The website is therefore a collection of its programs and achievements. The site is split into two main sections: Explore Historic Places and Protect Historic Places. The \“Explore\” section features the Canadian Register of Historic Places, which is fully searchable by name, Province/Territory, specific location, and field of interest (sub-categorized by type of historic place). Each listing is an overview of the place, describing it and identifying its historic importance and special characteristics, and providing location information (an address and placement on a map), and recognition information as well. Most have photos and links to related websites. It should be noted that this web version of the Register is not fully complete yet but it is being expanded weekly. As of November 2009, it has nearly 11,000 listings online. The \“Protect\” section features the Initiative\’s benchmark document Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. The entire document, as well as an overview of key sections, is posted here. The section also contains a province-by-province (and territory-by-territory) guide for getting places recognized, and where to learn about grants. Contact information and links to appropriate websites are provided for each province and territory. There is also a small selection of documents listed under \“Library and Archives\”. Titles include: Canadian Register of Historic Places - Writing Statements of Significance, Principles for the Governance of the Heritage Conservation Sector in Canada and Human Resources in Canada\&$\#$39;s Built Heritage Sector: Mapping the Work Force and Setting Strategic Priorities. The Historic Places Initiative\’s website is an excellent resource for the public-at-large and (to a lesser extent) professionals working in this sector. The bottom line for this website is to promote the preservation of historic places and to educate about their importance. As such, it is very useful as an overview of Canada\’s historic places and how to protect current and potential future sites. However, it is not a comprehensive source of historical information about the registered historic places; nor is it a technical how-to guide about designating or preserving/restoring properties. That information can be found through links to external websites and where those are insufficient, expect to visit museums, archives or else leave it to the experts\—especially in the case of preservation, restoration and replacement. This website is best used for the following purposes: - Satisfying curiosity about Canada\’s Historic Places - Finding basic information about Canada\’s Historic Places - Finding links to appropriate municipal, provincial, territorial and federal heritage and historic conservation organizations - Learning about historic conservation in general - Guidance regarding conservation projects (principles, guidelines, choosing a path, ways of going about it). See the Standards and Guidelines document. |
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