Developing sustainable tourism for world heritage sites

Title Developing sustainable tourism for world heritage sites

The article \“Developing sustainable tourism for world heritage sites\” discusses the concept of sustainable development in relation to the over 450 designated heritage sites throughout the world. After the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Natural and Cultural Heritage was created and signed by 127 countries in 1972, there were many sites designated throughout the globe as heritage sites and therefore drew attention to each area. As Anne Drost points out throughout the article, this awareness and attention has brought tourism to each of these places to see these special sites, buildings and areas. The article explains the benefits of the convention and of designating and in turn planning for conservation of these cultural and natural sites around the world. She further discusses some of the ways that countries can choose to take protection over promotion of a site and the difficulties it can cause. The reality of finances and economics provides an important subset for discussion and includes the ideals that many sites require preventative measures that would be more sustainable compared to more reactionary where sites are already in danger and may require immediate assistance to salvage the area or site. Regulations, public awareness and periodic educational workshops are three ways she highlights that countries can share their ways of ensuring sustainability for their sites. Each presents a different method for reaching an understanding of restrictions that are required to preserve and also education for the tourists ensuring that they are able to continue to visit these valuable places in the world. Lastly, she concludes that tourism is impactful and to create a successful tourism partnership for each site there must be balance with preservation of heritage and economics. The implementation of limits and additional fees and education before use of an area is vital to the idea of sustainability.

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