Saskatchewan\textquoterights Heritage? Why Should the Public Care?
Title | Saskatchewan\textquoterights Heritage? Why Should the Public Care? |
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Abstract | Annotation by Reed Neagle. It is obvious that this article focuses on the benefits and need in preserving history, culture and heritage within Saskatchewan and Canada as a whole. The main lessons being taught from this article are the fact that as humans we learn from the past, and without preserving important historical artifacts and buildings, we are hurting our ability to grasp the past. Furthermore, this article describes the economic benefits of historic and heritage preservation. According to this article, heritage preservation creates a large amount of employment and it is also an excellent source of generating tourism, especially with museums, historic buildings, and even in attempting to keep unique culture within Canadian communities. Moreover, this article discusses how when preserving heritage areas, or renovating a historic building, we are in a way, protecting the environment. This is due to the fact that one is not irritating the environment as significantly when enhancing and using existing buildings. Finally, the most crucial message to grasp from this article is the need in creating, and simply having, a sense of community within Canadian cities. According to the article this will demonstrate pride, character and uniqueness within Canadian cities. Which can all be achieved in possessing and keeping ones culture and heritage. With these characters a city, or town, will have more life and potentially more tourists. Also, according to the article, a fantastic way of showing ones historic pride is through museums. It is apparent that the intended audience for this article is people with an interest in historic preservation as well as those who find a strong need in keeping strong culture. The article describes the decline in culture within Canada to some degree, for example, a large percentage of our historic buildings have been demolished. Furthermore, the article seems to implicitly mention a key demographic within heritage issues. This demographic is the baby boomer or those who are retired. This is due to their quest for seeking interesting and unique experiences, and wanting to know their heritage as well. There is very little data being thrown around in this article; however, it seems to be a great piece in terms of creating the awareness for this issue. The article hints at how it is important to have the population understand the need to preserve heritage within communities. This article does a fantastic job at educating those who possess minimal knowledge of the issue. It is not an exhaustive article by any means and if one simply wants to understand certain core issues, or simply learn the basic issues behind heritage preservation this is an excellent starting point. |
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