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Kovacs, J. F., Shipley, R. ., Snyder, M. ., Centre, H. R., & Stupart, C. . (2008). Upper Doon Village: A Retrospective Look at Kitchener\textquoterights First Heritage Conservation District. Unknown.
, & . (2008). Case Law, Designation - DS. B. OA. 2008.9.30. Unknown. (Original work published 2008)
Smith, M. . (2008). Introduction: Theories of Group and Movement Organizing Group Politics and Social Movements in Canada. Peterborough: Broadview Press.
Wiebe, C. . (2008). Plowed Under: Can Alberta Afford to Turn Its Back on Its Back Forty?. Westworld Alberta. (Original work published 2008)
Morisset, L. K. (2008). \guillemotleft Forum canadien de recherche publique sur le patrimoine \guillemotright.
Morisset, L. K., & Noppen, L. . (2008). \guillemotleft De la Mus\ eographie \ a la Strat\ egie. Le touriste n\textquoterightest jamais bien loin, du moins l\textquoterightespère-t-on \guillemotright. Unknown, 27, 5-8.
Noppen, L. ., & Morisset, L. K. (2008). \guillemotleft Nouveaux Mus\ ees, Nouveaux Tourismes \guillemotright. Unknown, 27, 96 p. (Original work published 2008)
(2008). Case Law, First Nations - FN. C. 2008.2.12. Unknown. (Original work published 2008)