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(2007). Case Law, Cemeteries - CE. C. TO. 2007.6.13. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Smith, M. K. (2007). Tourism, culture and regeneration. Wallingford, UK ; Cambridge, MA: CABI Pub.
(2007). Case Law, Heritage Process - HP. C. TO. 2007.6.26.. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Communications, A. . (2007). Historic Places Initiative Strategic Marketing and Communications Plan - Draft. Unknown.
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Campbell, C. . (2007). Summary: Active 18 in Planning Land. Unknown. Retrieved from
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Committee, I. C. C. N. (2007). Encouraging Re-Use, Not Demolition: Rebalancing Federal Taxes and Incentives for Canada\textquoterights Building Stock. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Noppen, L. . (2007). L\textquoteright\ eglise Sainte-Marie, monument du m\ etissage de modèles bretons et de savoir-faire acadiens: Le patrimoine religieux de la Nouvelle-\ Ecosse. Signes et paradoxes en Acadie (10th-11th ed.). Universit\ e Sainte-Anne.