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Morisset, L. K., Noppen, L. ., & Saint-Jacques, D. . (2007). L\textquoterightarbre et l\textquoterightartisan. L\textquoterightid\ ee en architecture canadienne-fran\c caise: L\textquoterightartiste et ses lieux. Les r\ egionalismes de l\textquoterightentre-deux-guerres face \ a la modernit\ e. Qu\ ebec: Nota Bene.
(2007). Case Law, Archaeology - A. O. HA. 2007.01.09. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Manweiler, B. . (2007). The State of Heritage Conservation in Canada: Provincial and Territorial Leves. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
(2007). Case Law, First Nations - FN. C. 2007.5.22. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Canada, G. of. (2007). Chapter 2: The Conservation of Federal Built Heritage. A Status Report of the Auditor General of Canada of the House of Commons. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)
Hiltz, M. ., & Perry, B. . (2007). Innovation in heritage preservation: A study of nine Canadian communities.
Neuman, W. L. (2007). Basics of social research : qualitative and quantitative approaches (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Hall, I. . (2007). Prairie Main Street: Conservation is not the Answer. Prairie Forum, 32. (Original work published 2007)
(2007). Case Law, Demolition - DE. O. HA. 2007.11.29. Unknown. (Original work published 2007)