Shackleton, P. . (1955). The Architecture of Early Ottawa. Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Journal, 32. (Original work published 1955)
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Guillet, E. C. (1954). Pioneer Inns and Taverns. Toronto: Ontario Publishing.
McFaddin, C. . (1953). A Study of the Buildings of the Children of Peace, Sharon, Ontario.
Planning, O. D. of, , & Blake, V. B. (1953). Upper Holland Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Planning, O. D. of, , & Blake, V. B. (1953). Upper Saugeen Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Planning, O. D. of, , Blake, V. B., & Lewis, R. M. (1952). Saugeen Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Planning, O. D. of, , & Blake, V. B. (1952). Upper Thames Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Planning, O. D. of, , & Blake, V. B. (1950). Don Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Planning, O. D. of, & . (1950). Moira Valley Conservation Report. Unknown.
Arthur, E. R., Chapman, H. ., & Massey, H. . (1949). Moose Factory 1637 to 1947. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.