Rempel, J. . (1969). Notes on the Evolution of Timber Framing, 1650-1836. Association of Preservation Technology Bulletin, 1.
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Energy, O. D. of, & Management, C. A. B. R. (1968). Cataraqui Region Conservation Report. Unknown.
Ennals, P. M. (1968). The Development of the Farm Barn Types in Southern Ontario During the Nineteenth Century.
Stokes, P. J. (1968). Inverarden: Agenda Paper 1968-7. Unknown.
Energy, O. D. of, Management, C. A. B. R., & Addinall, M. B. (1968). Rideau Valley Conservation Report.
McKay, A. G. (1967). Victorian Architecture in Hamilton. Hamilton: Architectural Conservancy of Ontario.
Rempel, J. . (1967). Building With Wood and Other Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Building in Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Miller, W. C. (1967). Vignettes of Early St. Thomas. St. Thomas: Unknown.
Ritchie, T. . (1967). Canada Builds, 1867-1967. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Energy, O. D. of, & Management, C. A. B. R. (1967). Cataraqui Region Conservation Report. Unknown.