Paul, E. . (1972). Todmorden Mills. Canadian Antiques Collector, 10. (Original work published 1972)
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Stokes, P. J. (1971). Old Niagara-on-the-Lake. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Review, K. C. of A. (1971). Buildings of Historic and Architectural Significance. Kingston: Unknown.
Patterson, W. J. (1971). Ontario\textquoterights Pioneer Villages. Canadian Antiques Collector, 6. (Original work published 1971)
Goulding, W. S. (1971). Charm of Williamstown. Canadian Antiques Collector, 6. (Original work published 1971)
Ritchie, T. . (1971). Plankwall Framing, A Modern Wall Construction with an Ancient History. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 30. (Original work published 1971)
Angus, M. S. (1971). Preservation - Why and How?. Ontario History, 63. (Original work published 1971)
Hall, P. . (1971). Development of Moose Factory. Canadian Antiques Collector, 6. (Original work published 1971)
Mason, B. . (1971). Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Canadian Antiques Collector, 6. (Original work published 1971)