(1972). Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Retrieved from http://whc.unesco.org/archive/convention-en.pdf
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Ennals, P. M. (1972). Nineteenth Century Barns in Southern Ontario. Canadian Geographer.
Jury, W. . (1972). Fanshawe Pioneer Village. Canadian Antiques Collector, 7. (Original work published 1972)
Cooper, R. . (1972). Along the Old Mill Streams. Canadian Antiques Collector, 7. (Original work published 1972)
McGimsey, C. R. (1972). Public archeology. New York: Seminar Press.
Harrington, L. . (1972). Gingerbread Architecture in Ontario. Canadian Geographical Journal, 84. (Original work published 1972)
Newton-White, M. . (1972). Backhouses of the North. Cobalt: Highway Bookshop.
Paul, E. . (1972). Todmorden Mills. Canadian Antiques Collector, 10. (Original work published 1972)
Schoenauer, N. . (1972). Introduction to Contemporary Indigenous Housing. Toronto: Saunders.
Arthur, E. R., & Witney, D. . (1972). The Barn: A Vanishing Landmark in North America. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.