
If you have suggestions about resources we ought to include in this section, please let us know by emailing

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Resources on Treaties

Six Nations Land and Resources  

Visit Six Nations Land and Resources to access booklets and other online resources with information about land rights, maps, treaties, and more.  

Treaties in Ontario 

The Treaties in Ontario infographic (PDF) displays a brief overview of Ontario’s 40+ treaties and agreements. You can also learn more about Treaties, with resources from Waterloo’s Treaties Recognition Week 2020 

Treaties Recognition Week at the University of Waterloo 

Treaties Recognition Week helps students, faculty, staff and the public learn about treaties from diverse Indigenous perspectives and encourages greater understanding of the importance of treaties in Ontario. 2020 was the first year that the University of Waterloo officially participated in Treaties Recognition Week.

Native Land  

Interact Native Land to explore the territory that you live on, visit, or work on.