A University of Waterloo mug in front of an Indigenous medicine wheel

Decolonizing and Establishing Payment Practices with Indigenous Community Members

This project co-sponsored by Finance, Human Resources, the Office of Research, and the Office of Indigenous Relations is meant to address systemic barriers in making payments to Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and Workers (for example, invited guests, fee-for-service workers, independent contractors, etc), partners, and suppliers, typically given in recognition of cultural contributions, and to highlight the value of their unique and sacred knowledge.

This work aligns with the University of Waterloo’s Strategic Plan Connecting Imagination with Impact, 2020-2025, the Indigenous Strategic Plan, 2023-2028, and responds to recommendations from the President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) Report. This project also builds on the Canada Research Coordinating Committee’s Strengthening Indigenous Research Capacity Strategic Plan, which is meant to identify strategic directions, objectives, and mechanisms to support Indigenous research and training in Canada.

The Decolonizing & Establishing Payment Practices project aims to develop a clear and concise set of guidelines geared towards making payments to Indigenous community members, specifically including information on payment options, payment timing, and payment methods.

If you have experiences of barriers relating to making payments to Indigenous community members that you would like to share, please reach out to Indigenous.Research@uwaterloo.ca.

Project Leadership & Membership:

The Executive Sponsor Steering Committee

The role of the Executive Sponsorship Steering Committee (ESSC) is to provide oversight on decision-making on proposed updates as well as final project sign-off on any Finance, Human Resources, Procurement, and Research Finance related processes. They are the advocates and champions at the Senior Leadership level for this project. The ESSC is comprised of:

  • Jean Becker, AVP, Indigenous Relations 
  • Michelle Hollis, Chief Human Resources Officer 
  • Sarah Hadley, Chief Financial Officer 
  • Diane Johnston, AVP, Research & International Management Services 

The Working Group

The Working Group (WG) is responsible for reviewing current University of Waterloo payment practices and proposing and implementing changes where necessary to these processes, and developing a communications and training plan to educate units on payment processes. Working Group membership includes:

  • Melissa Ireland, Director, Indigenous Relations
  • Jen Smerdon, Administrative Manager, Indigenous Relations
  • Snjezana Cekrlija, Director, Research Finance
  • Sara Anderson, Senior Manager, Indigenous Research
  • Jelena Milenovic, Manager, Payroll
  • Lee Hornberger, Director, Total Rewards
  • Ashley Schatz, Manager, Financial Controls and Communications
  • Konstantin Krivtsov, Manager, Payments & Expense Accounting
  • Calyssa Burke, Research Equity Advisor (PM support)

The Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is comprised of members of the UW campus community who have had previous experiences in making payments to Indigenous community members and partners. This committee will be consulted on barriers experienced and will be asked to provide feedback on proposed updates to payment processes. Membership in the Advisory Committee includes Indigenous faculty and staff, as well as and other non-Indigenous staff and faculty who work closely with Indigenous community members through their roles.

  • Dr. Talena Atfield, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair in Tentewatenikonhra'khánion (We Will Put Our Minds Together) (Department of History)
  • Prof. Jay Havens, Assistant Professor (Department of Communication Arts)
  • Prof. Logan MacDonald, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Art (Department of Fine Arts) 
  • Dr. Heidi Swanson, Adjunct Faculty (Department of Biology)  
  • Savannah Sloat, Manager, Science Indigenous Initiatives (Faculty of Science) 
  • Amanda St. Marie, Environment Indigenous Initiatives Manager (Faculty of Environment) 
  • Don Davies, Manager, Indigenous Research Ethics (Office of Research) 
  • Julie Joza, Director of Research Ethics (Office of Research)