2024 Two Day IPR Symposium
We are pleased to announce that this year's IPR Symposium will be a two-day event taking place on May 1-2, 2024 in E7 in 7303-7363. (For information about where to park please see map).
The first day of the symposium will adopt the same format as in previous years with presentations given by IPR students and our two Keynote Speakers, Professor Alex Penlidis from the University of Waterloo and Dr. Steve Teertstra from Arlenxeo.
Day two of the IPR Symposium will feature presentations from seven academic members of the IPR who will offer in-depth reviews of their research. Please follow this link to check the schedule and the list of covered topics.
Our book of abstracts will be available at the end of April and our tentative schedule will be available at the end of March.
Registration will open shortly. If you require further information please contact Colleen Mechler (cmechler@uwaterloo.ca) or Jean Duhamel (jduhamel@uwaterloo.ca)