Safety abroad

Plan ahead and understand the resources available to you while you're on exchange. 

How to travel safely

When you complete your application in Waterloo Passport, you confirm that you agree to the following statement: "I will complete the international travel safety and security requirements as outlined by Waterloo International prior to my departure. This includes but is not limited to completion of Pre-Departure Orientation and assessment in LEARN, registration with the University's security provider, and registration with the government of the country of the passport you are travelling on." 

Once you are matched with your host school, start your safety requirements; complete the pre-departure travel form and wait for your next steps from the Safety Abroad team. 

For more resources to help you stay safe while abroad, check out the Student Travel Safety page. 

What to expect while you're away

You’ve done it! After preparing, planning and dreaming, you're abroad. You might feel excited, nervous, or both. Keep in touch with the global learning team while you’re away. We’re ready to help if you have questions or concerns about cross-cultural conflicts, safety, program issues, course changes, and extending or shortening your stay. Here are some common answers to questions we get from students who go abroad.

How do I change my courses? 

If you need to make changes to the courses that were pre-approved by your faculty, contact your faculty exchange representative as soon as possible to have the new course(s) approved. Please note: While on exchange you are bound by the host university's policies and procedures regarding course changes.

Can I extend my stay? 

Loving your new school, your studies, and your life abroad? Want to make the experience last longer? You may want to extend your stay for another term. Before talking to the host school, you should contact your global learning coordinator to find out if it’s possible. If we approve your request, your coordinator will contact the host school on your behalf to make the necessary arrangements.

Can I shorten my stay? 

If for any reason you feel that you need to return home early, you should contact the global learning coordinator immediately to discuss your situation and options.

What should I do in an emergency?

Review Waterloo International's who to contact in an emergency webpage ahead of time for a complete list of emergency contacts. 

what happens when you come home

Being back in Canada after learning so much about another country and yourself might take some getting used to. Sometimes re-entry into your old life can even feel a bit like reverse culture shock. After all, you’ve changed! Waterloo is here to help your re-entry run smoothly.

Here are some things you might want to consider now that you're back.

Get involved

Coming home after being abroad isn’t necessarily the end of your international experience. Your experience abroad is a gift you can share with others. There are lots of opportunities for you to get involved with the international community at Waterloo.

  • Get involved with International Education Week
  • Continue your international-focused studies with language, cultural, or global issues courses
  • Volunteer on and off-campus to expand your cross-cultural learning

Check your transfer credits

If you participated in an exchange, your transfer credits will be assessed once we receive your official transcript from your host university. This process may take 2-6 months following the end of your term abroad. Your faculty exchange representative will establish your transfer credits (based on your pre-approved courses). The approved credits will be added to your Waterloo record (Quest) with the designation credit, but without any numerical grade.