Introducing Amelia Burton to WI

Monday, November 21, 2022

Waterloo International is pleased to announce new team member Amelia Burton, Associate Director, International Relations.

Amelia Burton

Amelia is well acquainted with Waterloo, first as a biomedical science student working on her undergraduate degree, then moving on to become a full-time staff member upon completion of her studies. Amelia started in Marketing & Undergraduate Recruitment as a liaison officer, eventually moving to a marketing role in Engineering and then to the Faculty of Mathematics.

Working in Math for the past eight years as an Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions Officer, and as Director, Undergraduate Recruitment & International, Amelia has travelled the world promoting the University to over 20 countries both in-person and virtually, bringing to her new role a solid understanding of Waterloo’s presence on the international stage. In addition to Amelia’s expertise in recruitment and internationalization, she holds a Master of Education with a focus on higher education and leadership.

As the Associate Director, International Relations, she leads a team of three International Relations Managers as they forge and develop meaningful relationships with current and new global partners.

Welcome Amelia!

If your unit is interested in learning more about our international relations activities or wants to be involved with Waterloo International as a strategic partner in your internationalization efforts, please reach out to