IT Advisory Board meeting - February 2019

In the previous meeting, there were some points we brough back to the group to find out more information:

1. With regards to expanded Quest Integrations, what were you looking for?

  • Ability to sync to Google (or other) calendars
  • Class schedule integrated into LEARN
  • Exam Schedule on Quest
  • Grad student exams visible on Portal 

2. What software do students use which is not licensed for use?

  • Iclicker Reef
  • AFM Connect
  • Acrobat DC 
  • Creative Cloud
  • Tophat
  • SAS

3. What other ideas do you have for IST to improve? 

  • IST Should put up more posters in departments
  • IST should engage with students on FaceBook 
  • Make it easier for profs to use Podiums in classrooms 
  • The Wi-Fi in the libraries needs to be investigated