IT Advisory Board meeting - November 2017

People in attendance: 8

We asked: What do you love about Learn?

  • User friendly 
  • Mobile App is good
  • Central authentication
  • Announcements on the home page
  • Important things are accessible
  • Maintenance hours are communicated very well
  • Due date notifications
  • SMS notifications

We asked: What parts of Learn do you not like?

  • When accessing content from the home page, going ‘back’ exits out of the folder
    • Each subfolder should have own URL, not an AJAX call
  • Send to binder / portfolio – who uses this?
  • Native PDF page instead of a viewer
  • Mouse middle click should open in new tab
  • A bit slow when reloading
  • Layout for online courses / PD
  • The main page is not customizable
  • Discussion forum should be more like piazza 
  • PDF viewer
  • Profs vary greatly in how they use learn
  • No viewer for word files

We asked: Do you prefer the navigation structure to consistent across courses, or would a course-specific navigation structure be better?

  • One group preferred a course specific system (similar to Laurier)
  • One group preferred consistency across all courses (better to have a familiar structure that isn't the best, than many different structures)

We asked: What is your wish list for Learn?

  • More Laurier-like, content browser
  • Customizable Landing Page
  • Take out / improve viewer for documents
  • Better notification – Activity notification record of all transactions
  • Collaboration tool (like Google Docs) built into Learn
  • Spot to post notes publicly to stop mass emails from students asking for them
  • AutoSaving quizzes
  • Option to export calendar