IT Advisory Board meeting - November, 2022

IT Advisory Board- November 2022

In November 2022 we met with our group of students to discuss the Learn System Management Review project.

Attendees included graduate and undergraduate students from the Computer Science and Engineering faculty.

1.What features do you like and work well in Learn?

  • Usability regardless of technical background
  • Integration of Pebble+
  • The option to enable pop-up notification
  • Viewing class lists, and sending mail to Outlook from within Learn
  • Dropbox feedback can be edited within Learn
  • Allows most files to be downloaded, not simply an embedded PDF

2. What features do not work well or do not like?

  • When using a tablet, if a PDF is downloaded from the LEARN webpage it sends an empty PDF.
  • Subjects cannot be reordered.
  • Learn and Pebble+ do not show all events.
  • Discussion tool:
    • The list can be long and there is no built-in searchability
    • The subscription feature doesn’t add the threads you have subscribed to, to the top.
  • The PDF viewer seemingly consumes a large amount of battery life.
  • The course request page appears when it is not an available option to the user.

3. Are there features that are missing in LEARN?

  • Ability to post anonymously
  • When you open a course and go to content, could upcoming deadlines be stickied at the top?
  • Checklist feature for calendar items
  • Ability to distinguish between academic and extracurricular/work content (ex. A profile that can be toggled between categories of content).
  • Some tips on how to set up Pebble+ when it is first opened.
  • Work with CTE for instructors to understand how Learn could be better utilized for assessment
  • It’s known that the “system is meeting requirement”, this space could be better utilized
  • Allow students to customize the org. page and select which widgets they prefer.
    • A URL shortcuts widget that could be customized by the user.
  • We already know the system is meeting requirements, could we put something else’s there
  • API to pull portal data into Learn
  • Ability to view all course material in Learn, ex. PDF textbook

4. How do you find Learn notifications?

  • If you are doing too many things on campus, it does become too noisy (work and school)
  • Notifications are overwhelmed
  • A condensed announcements stream could be useful.
  • All courses are a container, any system should have this.

5. Experience using Brightspace or any other elements at another institution?

  • Highschool used Brightspace, not a significant difference other than Bongo streaming integration
  • Mobile use is not as good, particularly because of Duo.
  • Helpful to transition to university with previous BrightSpace experience
  • All courses are a container, any system should have this.

6. Technological or instructional trends that are coming that LMS should adapt to or support?

  • Live chat feature for support
  • Explore further integration with Teams

7. Do you think Learn Training would be helpful?

  • Yes, as a self-registration course or pop-up tips within Learn.

8. Appetite for change from Learn to another system?

  • Open to change but changes pose their own challenges.  
  • Only if it resulted in a significantly better product.