IT Advisory Board meeting - November 23 2020

1. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • All members were aware of the mandatory 2FA roll-out
    • Many email reminders were sent, announcements on LEARN & Quest
  • Members did not encounter any issues on when 2FA was made mandatory
    • Members already had 2FA enabled
  • What was done well
    • Many options for receiving 2FA prompts; push option is easy and convenient
    • Messaging and reminders were done well; it was good to have a lot of advanced notice before 2FA became mandatory
  • What could be improved
    • Two members were locked out of LEARN earlier in the year and were required to enroll in DUO before it was mandatory

2. Online learning experience

  • How has your online learning experience been so far? 
    • Satisfactory overall
    • Experience varies from course to course
    • Office hours have been a challenge
    • Not many members attended online office hours this term
      • A lot of students rely on Piazza
    • For online office hours, instructors are using LEARN, Bongo, or manually booking calendar appointments
      • Members are not familiar with Microsoft Bookings
  • Members like that UW is discouraging the use of proctoring software for exams as this makes things less stressful for students
  • Students are no longer able to convert numerical grades to 'Credit received' (CR)
    • Members would like to see this available again
  • A lot of instructors just post notes online with no video content
    • Videos or interactive course content would improve the online learning experience
      • Either videos of the instructor lecturing or doing a voice-over in a PowerPoint would be good
  • Would like to have larger timeframes to complete assessments or no time limit; even 24 hours would be an improvement
    • A larger timeframe would help accomodate students in different timezones
  • Members would like to see instructors have recorded lectures post-pandemic

3. Online events and meetings

  • Half the members attended online events this term
    • Events include: weekly club meetings, online conference, workshops, gaming events
    • Events were mostly hosted on Teams; some were hosted on Zoom, Discord, Bongo/LEARN
    • Members felt the events they attended were overall successful
      • Use of breakout rooms made events less intimidating for attendees
      • Interactive gaming among attendees was enjoyable