IT Advisory Board meeting - October 2, 2020

1. Initial thoughts and feedback on the remote learning experience so far

  • Would be nice to have a speed setting on videos to speed up or slow down 
  • Most members preferred Teams over other platforms
    • Has chat, recording, works on every platform
  • WebEx has two version: WebEx Training and WebEx Meeting
    • One works in a browser and one does not
    • WebEx Training always has your microphone enabled by default; users have to manually disable using Task Manager; this is a privacy concern
  • What members like about remote learning
    • All course materials (e.g. deadlines, lessons, course materials) are stored in one place on LEARN vs. having physical paper; this is more convenient

2. Thoughts on DUO 2FA

  • Members agree that 2FA provides extra account security that makes their UW account feel more secure
  • Some members like the call option and text option 
  • DUO push is sometime inconvenient and does not allow certain devices/platforms to enable 'Remember me'

3. Other discussions

  • Wi-Fi transition on campus from indoors to outdoors can be spotty (e.g. V1 to SLC)
    • Most members would like to see an improvement in the outdoor Wi-Fi experience
  • Is IST reponsible for Open Data API? 
    • Yes, IST's Data, Integration and Analytics group is responsible
    • Why was information removed during the transition from Version 2 to Version 3? 
      • User's program based on their email is private data. A student/person should explicitly authorize use of the data and it is not intended to be part of Open Data.
  • There are a lot of UW apps that only serve one function/purpose (e.g. WatSAFE, Portal, UW Park)
    • The functions in these apps should be combined into a single UW app for a better user experience