IT Advisory Board meeting - October 2017

People in attendance: 8

We asked: Why do you use student portal?

  • Crowd reporting has potential
  • Calendar (courses info / schedule)
  • GRT schedule
  • Habit (we suggest focusing on first years to get people in the habit of using it)

We asked: Why not?

  • Google is faster
  • Without Quest / Watcard add funds capability, it's not truly one place to do everything
  • Bad initial first impression (though its better now than it was initially)
  • There is no offline functionality for maps
  • App was slow the first time they tried to use it 
  • Crowd reporting is not accurate 

We asked: What do you like about portal?

  • Crowd reporter
  • Exam schedule (especially now that its an authoritative source)
  • Themes
  • Marketing/Promotion

We asked: What do you not like about portal?

  • Slow
  • Lack of awareness for features
  • "something went wrong" error
  • Crowd reporter accuracy 
  • No offline maps 
  • Widgets (loading...)

We asked: What would you love to see in portal?

  • Co-Op interview schedule
  • Free food module
  • Student API 
  • Notifications (customisable by users)
  • Floor plans (including PDFs, for all buildings)
  • UI/UX design (customization)
  • Offline maps with more layers
  • Quest & better watcard integration