IT Advisory Board meeting - October 26, 2020

1. Follow up on last meeting's discussion

  • A Teams guide with tips/tricks may be helpful (e.g. how to turn off Teams notifications)
  • Some instructors are opting to use Zoom instead of Teams or other supported platforms
    • Some students are having issues connecting to Zoom calls
    • Zoom is not as user-friendly as Teams
  • There is a Wi-Fi infrastructure upgrade project in progress, hopefully this will help with improving outdoor Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Another reminder email for students to move content off their EDU accounts may be helpful

2. Discussion: where do you go for help? 

  • If you run into issues during a midterm or class, who do you ask for help? 
    • Members mentioned reaching out to TA's, posting on Piazza
  • Half the members claimed they have had technical/IT issues during the term
    • There have been issues with online proctoring; online proctoring has been cancelled due to a lot of student technical difficulties
    • Wi-Fi sometimes disconnects during exams/assessments; students have to resort to using mobile hot spot data
  • All members feel like they know where to go for tech help if they run into an issue
    • It would be helpful to have a webpage for students listing all the different options on where to get help 
  • LEARN support should only be contacted for technical issues that occur specifically within LEARN; account or access related issues should be directed to the IST Service Desk
  • Half the members have contacted the IST Service Desk this term for assistance
    • Issues include: Waterloo Works, OneNote/email migration, Teams support for an online event
    • Members felt it was easy to get assistance; replies and follow-up responses were quick

3. Media Resources

  • Has anyone had classes where films were assigned for viewing? If so, where were the films hosted? 
    • Most members had classes were films were assigned for viewing
    • One member had a class where students were required to rent/buy the film themselves
      • Some films were on course reserves
    • One member had a PD class where they used Kanopy
    • Instructors did not inform students about the Media Resources Library

4. Other discussions

  • Is it possible to offer Adobe Creative Cloud free for students? 
  • Other tech-related challenges this term? 
    • If you get disconnected from the internet during an online assessment, are you allowed to resume the assessment once you regain connectivity?
      • Would be good to include clarification on this on the Keep Learning site - would the student regain the time lost?
      • For Mobius, LEARN, and Crowdmark, you should be able to resume the assessment 
  • Ideas for topics next meeting
    • Have WatCards available on mobile devices
    • Mobile-friendly version of LEARN
    • Add a degree requirement checklist summary on Quest that keeps track of what courses a student still needs to take 
    • More on media streaming resources