IT Advisory Board meeting - September 2018

What is IST doing well?

  • Wi-Fi Reach
  • Office 365
  • Uprint
  • Watiam
  • Watcard Loading
  • ResNet
  • Email Forwarding
  • Friendly Emails
  • Learn is now mobile friendly
  • Office 365
  • Ethernet is fast on campus
  • IT Service Desk able to lend equipment / software easily / for long time (OS USBs, Ethernet adapters / cables)

Where can IST improve? 

  • Remote desktop has problems sometimes
  • Portal is very slow and crashes frequently
  • Wi-Fi (no-encryption)
    • No documentation for this(PS4, Xbox, etc)
  • WaterlooWorks slowdowns during peak times
  • Athletics App is slow and crashes as soon as it opens
  • MC Labs have lots of computers that don’t work
  • Wi-Fi setting documentation is hard to find
  • MC Wi-Fi
  • EC7 Wi-Fi
  • Service Desk employee didn’t know how to re-image computer
  • Quest Navigation is (can’t click back)
  • iClickers support (Where to get help with iclickers?)
  • Wi-Fi in Dana Porter mid day is poor
  • Portal app refresh on mobile (when re-opening app)
  • Regulation on spam emails
  • Filtering on office 365
    • Outlook emails
  • Learn app doesn’t exist (Turns out Pulse is the learn app)
  • Improve building navigator in Portal
  • Wi-Fi doesn’t work outside between buildings (Arts quad specifically has power plugs but no Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi doesn’t work for a few hours in spaces like DC
    • There should be a notice if it’s not working properly
  • Speeds on Wi-Fi sometimes aren’t good
  • Learn class changes take 1-2 days to update
    • Adding TA’s takes too long and is too manual (could we send a list of TA’s when the course is created on Learn?)
    • Difficult to navigate because there is no standard hierarchy
  • Quest requires an English language setting on the OS
  • Uprint only takes letter size paper (want card sizes)
  • Rendering problems in uprint
  • Projector connection is complicated (airmedia)
  • 2FA can’t be used with existing authenticator apps

What are some things we can implement quickly to make a big difference(small wins)?

  • Switch out airmedia on projectors in housing for something better
  • Give notices / pages information for students to easily switch language for Quest
  • Remove the different email servers (
  • Provide / collect TA registration lists each term
  • Remove locked printers from uPrint (leave only virtual printers)
  • Prepare Learn template for when starting a new course
  • Advertise Learn app on the desktop website
  • Encourage marks to be put into one spot within Learn instead of other sites like Pearson, etc.
  • More education options for LEARN usage for instructors (Videos, etc. like some other universities have)
  • Discourage using too many different services to run courses
  • Tap with fobs vs keys to get into rooms / bedrooms in residence
  • Improvements to building navigation in portal app
  • Notifications of engagement events on Portal and Learn
  • Improvements made to Learn pm system
  • Add wifi setting details to website
  • Waterloo sites (learn, waterlooworks, etc) need more servers / or dynamic addition of more VMs as load increases
  • List of things the Service Desks provide (ie network adapters, cables, etc)
  • Add more inventory of equipment at IT Service Desks
  • Cross platform support in Waterloo apps (make portal the same on iOS and android)
  • Dedicate 1-2 channels to student WiFi Routers
  • Planned peak periods for WW, Learn by adding more VMs. (deadlines, grades released, course selection) – these sites can become unbearably slow / unusable
  • BufferBox for podium fobs
  • WiFi in elevators